Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Wherein I am Quenched but not Nourished

Some things quench but do not nourish.
I've got nothing against it, it can be just the thing. I'm all for trying in trying times. And as we keep ourselves to ourselves, good, kind friends reach out and organize sing-a-longs, drink-a-longs, sew-a-longs. Irrespective of place, we can "gather" and goad each other into cheerfulness.
It's like being shown a piece of cake and asked to imagine eating it. It's like a facsimile of fun.
I can you taste it?
I'm not complaining, I'm very healthy, as are most of us and grateful for it, I can endure, as we all can, a bit of isolation. And walking fast with music in your ear is almost like dancing. Almost.
"Blah, blah, blah, you are sad. We ALL are." Well, as my sister used to say "Just because I have cancer doesn't mean your foot doesn't hurt". No one wins at the misery sweepstakes.

Since all sewing content is now mostly masks. I give you a backyard promenade, Muybridge style.

Ever Your Nimble Servant.
Miss Brilliantine

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