Thursday, August 21, 2014

I am soothed by headwear

I thought to get over my picnic disappointment by re-blocking a straw hat. I love a fast and satisfying project. Creative but not time consuming and you can say "looky what I made!" I got a little mushroom shaped hat from the eBays, which had a very pretty straw if not shape.

 But "We can rebuild him" as the saying goes. I am crazy about the flower pot shape of the 1880's, and with enough persuasion, it can be done.
Here it is in a tub of hot water, I usually just steam the heck out of straw but I thought the shape was so bulbous it needed a good soak.
After the straw is nice and pliable I drape it over anything that has the right shape (not very scientific, I know) upside down vase, wooden candle holder, you get the idea. I just pull and shape it by hand,  carefully avoiding breaking  the straw. The shape was pretty round to begin with so I didn't get as conical a crown as I would have liked, but short of un-stitching and re-sewing I'm good with it. Then I leave it to dry in the sun. I have some of those bean bag book ends which make great weights.
This has been a very hot Summer, so it dried in about two hours and it was soaked.
Hey Pesto! I would have liked it taller but the straw wouldn't take it so I cover the bits I don't like with camouflage. I also will add this vintage ribbon which is falling to pieces even as I watch. But I thought it should have a last flouncy fling even if I leave bits of it in my wake like Witch Hazel looses hairpins in a Warner Bros cartoon.
See, super easy! It's just pinned together but hopefully it'll last one wearing. I feel better now.

Every your Thimble Servant,

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