Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Finishing Dance

As I get my sewing groove back, I thought to finish one thing before starting another.
I know, who would have thought of it? I had made the bodice half of a ball gown and had all the moving parts for the rest. After giving myself a pep talk, I finished it.
Now, it wasn't a straight line, I floundered and thought up other designs with other fabrics. Actually made a different underskirt. Haunted the thrift stores for easy make-overs and found a great linen duster that just needed a sleeve adjustment for "Room With A View" ramblings. Changed the buttons and added darts to a blouse, easy useful stuff.
Yet here it is.
I used all the blacks, velvet, satin and organdy.
It is smoother IRL, the flash is not helpful to velvet.
The overskirt is a vintage silk organdy with a velvet flock I call 'chain-link'.

The satin underskirt has the scalloped hem I currently love.  My American Duchess shoes will finally have a chance to dance
 I will call this the black chain link dress and love it, until I don't. I'll put it through it's paces this Saturday at our Spring ball.

Ever Your Thimble Servant,
Miss Brilliantine.

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